
















Xe 램프

Tunable Light Source

Metal Halide 램프

UV-White 램프



Xe 램프

300W 제논 램프 (Xe lamp) : XLM-300  (가성비가 좋음)

광원 모듈 (XLM-300) Xe 램프 하우징과 전원공급장치로 구성된다.

램프 하우징에는 300W Xe lamp bulb를 포함하고 있으며, 전원공급장치는 순간 고전압을 발생시키는 igniter가 포함되어 있다.

광원 모듈에 렌즈, 셔터, 필터휠, 광파이버 모듈을 부착할 수 있다.

또한 열차단을 위한 열차단 미러를 옵션으로 부착 가능하다.


제논램프(xe lamp)


300W 제논 램프의 스펙트럼, 옵션으로 Hot Mirror를 사용해서 NIR  광원을 차단한다.

300W 제논램프(xe lamp) 스펙트럼


150W 제논 램프 (Xe lamp) : LS-150

Model LS-150 is a Patented US Pat. No. 8116017 low cost, high output 150 watt Xe arc lamp based light source.
The entire source, power supply, lamp, and optical compartment are housed in an extremely compact enclosure, 9 x 6 x 11 inches.
The unit’s base allows mounting on inch or metric spaced optical tables with the optics centered over the hole pattern to allow for easy integration with the rest of your setup.

150W 제논램프 (Xe lamp) 150W 제논램프 외형치수150W 제논램프(xe lamp) 스펙트럼

175W, 300W 제논 램프 (Xe lamp) : LB-LS 시리즈

175W, 300W 제논램프 (Xe lamp)

The Lambda LS is a stand-alone illuminator consisting of a xenon-arc lamp, lamp housing, cold mirror and power supply in a single enclosure. The Lambda LS is designed to be used with a liquid light guide which transmits remarkably flat, intense, illumination to the optical train of the user’s microscope or other instrumentation. The lamp’s cabinet accommodates a standard Sutter Instrument filter wheel that slides easily in and out of a slot in the light path. If desired, a second filterwheel can be mounted on the outside of the cabinet. When used with appropriate adapters, the light guide output is compatible with most common microscope systems.



Output Range

330nm to 650nm - ozone free
200nm to 650nm - full spectrum (NOTE: full spectrum produces ozone)

Lamp Type

175 or 300 Watt xenon (pre-aligned to produce collimated output)

Lamp Life

1000 hours (Bulb warranted for 500 hours. Longer life depends on application
Expected life is 1000 hours.)

The Lambda LS be used with the optional LLG (Liquid Light Guide) and a light guide adapter

75W ~ 300W 제논 램프 (Xe lamp)  : LH 시리즈

All LH lamp housings feature a configurable and upgradeable housing capable of being operated in the vertical or horizontal position. Each housing comes with adjustable base plates for both configurations, allowing easy alignment of the lamp to the rest of the optical system. Power and communication are supplied to the housing via a single cable connected to the touchscreen power supply, allowing users to easily and neatly set up the system. A safety interlock prevents power being supplied to the housing while the cover is open, protecting users from electric shock or unwanted light exposure.


75W ~300W 제논램프 (Xe lamp)제논램프 스펙트럼

Lamp Housing 모델 :  (기본적으로 LH-S시리즈를 많이 사용합니다.)

LH-S-300X  (300W), LH-E-300X  (300W

LH-S-150X (150W), LH-E-150X  (150W

LH-S-100X (100W), LH-E-100X (100W)

LH-S-075X (75W), LH-E-075X (75W)

500W ~ 1.6KW 제논 램프 (Xe lamp) : XLH 시리즈

500W~1000W Xe lamp housing

The XLH series lamp housing is a modular lamp housing which allows you to custom build the lamp housing from a selection of light sources and collimating optics. The XLH lamp housing is designed for 500W—1.6KW Xenon,

      - Vertical  or  horizontal  bulb    and housing operation

   - Xenon  arc  lamps  from  500W  to 1600W

   - Multiple  collimated  or  focused output  optics  in  various  sizes, materials, and coatings

   - User-friendly design

   - Numerous available accessories    

      - Standard safety interlocks

Lamp 모델  (기본적으로 XLH-S 시리즈를 많이 사용합니다.)

XLH-S-500X ,500W Collimated Xenon Arc Lamp

XLH-E-500X, 500W Focused Xenon Arc Lamp

XLH-S-1000X, 1000W Collimated Xenon Arc Lamp

XLH-E-1000X, 1000W Focused Xenon Arc Lamp

XLH-S-1600X, 1600W Collimated Xenon Arc Lamp



큐브셀 테크놀러지 E-Mail : info@cubecell.co.kr   핸드폰 : 010-4514-5977